May 7Liked by Renato Zane

Thank you for the audio, Renato! 🙏

I really enjoy like the "musicality" of the language (it is the characteristic I like best in every language) and it is a good opportunity for me to improve my pronunciation.

It was also much appreciated by an acquaintance of mine who comes once a week to speak English.


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Grazie, Erica. I'm glad you liked it. :)

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Apr 30Liked by Renato Zane

As a person who loves to travel, I truly enjoyed this post and photos.

It makes me wonder how many other small communities face similar challenges. It also reminds me of what wildlife faces as modern society slowly encroaches on their space. So inevitable, but so sad.

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Thank you, Ms. Writer! As rapid development continues in many parts of the world, I think more small communities are destined to disappear, However, in many areas we have become more aware of the need to balance the human footprint with environmental needs, a better sense of responsibility and aesthetics. I'm hopeful that protecting this amazing blue marble we all live on will guide us going forward. We have a long way to go, but at least awareness is growing. Thanks for reading my post about finding this little village.

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Apr 25Liked by Renato Zane

Proprio una bella storia, e come racconti bene!

Mi ha fatto venire in mente (non per l'origine del villaggio o per dettagli significativi, ma per un curioso modo di vivere e lavorare da "antichi" in pieno 21° secolo) i "casoni di Caorle", capanne nascoste nella laguna (tra l'altro, vicinissimi alla casa di Hemingway, che cacciava qui), dove si pescava e si viveva in modo più che spartano in certi periodi dell'anno.

A differenza di Finn Slough, sono stati abbandonati, ma si vedono se fai un giro in barca e si può anche entrare.


(Pssst: penso sarebbe bello se tu leggessi uno dei tuoi testi e mettessi l'audio a disposizione. Sarebbe molto utile per chi studia l'inglese: un ottimo esercizio di reading and listening comprehension, con il "plus" di storie molto piacevoli, interessanti, curiose...

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Grazie mille, Erica! Sono contento che trovi questi miei articoli interessanti. Che meraviglia quei "casoni" di Caorle. Le foto sono affascinanti. Mi piacerebbe visitare la laguna per immergermi in quella natura, così vicina e allo stesso tempo distante dai centri abitati. Sembra un altro mondo. Potresti farmi da guida. :)

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Fascinating! The Fraser River brings back memories, although not around Richmond. I worked one summer up around Hell's Gate. I've never heard of Finn Slough before and it's so interesting that you wrote this article. Thank you so much.

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